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Our information regarding the sudden and close collapse of the | Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives

Our information regarding the sudden and close collapse of the Argentina government and the bargain chip of not buying Chinese JF-17 to get money was correct.

The Argentina president, a hardcore leftist like the rest of the government, asks for help in Washington. They are asking for money otherwise his 4 year presidential period will end abruptly. Here a screenshot of an article published by Clarin today.

"A confidential State Department memo includes five very important points. Do not hand over the Waterway to the Chinese; nor buy Chinese war planes; ensure equal competition in the 5G tender; stop Atucha III and dont give China the ok for the construction of the port of Ushuaia."

Nuestra información sobre el colapso cercano del gobierno argentino y la moneda de cambio de no comprar JF-17 para obtener dinero era correcta.

El presidente argentino, pide ayuda en Washington. Están pidiendo dinero, de lo contrario, Fernandez no podrá terminar su mandato.